First Sunday Sit-Cast for June, 2019
This class was recorded on Sunday, June 2nd, in Oceanside, CA. We discussed the Word of the Month for May, which was Dignity. Thank you for tuning in to our Sit-Cast.
Word of the Month for June, 2019: EMPATHY
The Word of the Month for June is Empathy. The saboteur of empathy is the word apathy. We know that empathy allows us to feel what another person is feeling and understand their perspective. Why is it important to feel other people’s pain, instead of succumbing to apathy? That’s the subject of the video for […]
First Sunday SiT-Cast for May, 2019.
Peace requires a strong and steady temperament that naturally evolves with practice. Peace doesn’t mean that we all have to be in agreement. This podcast was recorded during our First-Sunday Class on Sunday, May 5th. We discussed the word from April, which was peace. The saboteur of peace is discord.
Word of the Month for May, 2019: DIGNITY
The Word of the Month for May, 2019 is: Dignity. The saboteur of dignity is the word Injustice. We all want to be treated with dignity, so it’s important that we recognize the dignity inherent in all people. The Yogis say: “There is only one caste, the caste of humanity.” This month, let us focus […]