First Sunday SiT-Cast for September, 2019
This SiT-Cast was recorded on Sunday, September 1st. in Oceanside, CA. We talked about the word of the month from August, which was Creativity. The Saboteur of creativity is Conformity. Remember that creativity is not only about singing, painting and dancing, but rather it is about learning how to change when new ideas reveal themselves […]
First Sunday “SiT-Cast” for July, 2019.
This class was recorded on Sunday, July 7th, 2019, in Oceanside, California. We discussed the word of the month from June, which was Empathy. The saboteur of empathy is Apathy. Empathy raises our emotional and intellectual IQ. Apathy only lowers it. Join us this month, as we focus on the word Acceptance.
First Sunday SiT-Cast for May, 2019.
Peace requires a strong and steady temperament that naturally evolves with practice. Peace doesn’t mean that we all have to be in agreement. This podcast was recorded during our First-Sunday Class on Sunday, May 5th. We discussed the word from April, which was peace. The saboteur of peace is discord.
First Sunday Sit-Cast for April, 2019
This class was recorded on Sunday, April 7th. We talked about the word of the month for March, which was: Listen. We also talked about Dogma, the saboteur or listening. It was another picture-perfect Sunday near the coast in Oceanside. The birds were singing away and the sun shone through the lush spring garden around […]