Word of the Month Video for June 2018: HUMILITY

Practicing humility requires immense inner strength, so naturally the act of humiliating others requires the opposite. Pondering on the deeper meaning of these words leads to some interesting places. Please enjoy this months word: Humility.

Word of the Month, May 2018: COMMITMENT

Commitment The Virtue is Commitment and the Saboteur is Loyalty. Commitment is a sacred dedication, loyalty is not always sacred.   Commitment to spirituality doesn’t require loyalty to anyone, any group or any particular way.  Commitment is voluntary and it is a sacred vow you make to yourself. This vow comes from within and then […]

Word of the Month Video for May 2018: COMMITMENT

The Word of the Month for May, 2018 is Commitment. The Saboteur of Commitment is Loyalty. Both words are often thought to be similar, but are they really? Watch the video to find out. Namaste.

Word of the Month, April 2018: COMPASSION

The Virtue is Compassion and the Saboteur is Punitive. Compassion teaches us that pain is pain, regardless of the circumstances. Generally speaking, when we are children, our parents teach us to be kind and polite. We are taught how to speak respectfully, how to treat animals with kindness and how to treat the elderly with […]