Word of the Month, December 2018: PROTECT

The Saints in Training Word of the Month for December 2018 is PROTECT. The Saboteur of PROTECT is CONTROL. What do we want to protect? The mind. How do we protect the mind? That is the subject of the last video for 2018. You may recognize our location this month as the hearth belonging to […]

Winter Solstice Workshop: “The Art of Listening to the Heart”

Hello Everybody, Just a quick post to highlight the last workshop of the year on Saturday, December 16th, at  our usual beautiful workshop space in Oceanside. The theme for this year has been Karma & Reincarnation. This topic seems to lead to a lot of Aha! moments, and lively Q&A, so join us for the […]

2015 Karma and Reincarnation Workshop (S)!

Karma and Reincarnation Workshop With Jacqueline Valdez Saturday, Febraury 28th, 10:00am-4:00pm $80. That’s your karma! You’ll get yours! He seems straight from the animal kingdom! This workshop is designed to create an understanding of the way karma and reincarnation are traditionally taught by the Yogi’s. This may differ from what you may have thought of […]

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