The sound and rhythm of shuffling Tarot cards is like music to my ears, and it makes my hands want to dance with my intuition. I also love the feeling I get when insights are revealed through the placement of the cards. As I am shuffling, I am also listening to your hands moving through the stones, selecting the ones that are calling out to you.
I have been doing this dance with people for forty years now and that translates to dancing with thousands of people, over forty-thousand times.
I have always been intuitive, and I became an intuitionist in my twenties. This was happening simultaneously as I was seeking out meditation techniques. That journey would take me to India where I became a student of Vedanta, which is Yogic philosophy. I have been going to an Ashram in south India close to twenty times over a thirty year period.
Meditation is a deep love of mine because this practice has saved me from suffering from a frantic and chaotic mind. I have observed that many times when people are more intuitive than what is considered to be normal, they tend to suffer from bouts of anxiousness that can become full blown anxiety. This is because anxiety and intuition are both connected to thoughts of the future.
For me, meditation is the tastiest and most efficient medicine I take. I am a person who accepts that committing to spiritual practices supports long term inner peace and joy. I hope you will consider joining me on this journey through a personal appointment, or perhaps you may want to attend one of our classes. I do hope that you join me in practicing our Word of the Month. Either way, I am grateful.
Namaste and Peace, Peace, Peace,
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