Jacqueline is full for all appointments this year in 2025.
See our cancellation policy in our FAQ below.
Please reach out to Ruby if you need any assistance or would like to be on our waitlist.
Jacqueline’s new availability for 2025 is:
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (phone appointments only)
Wednesday-Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
For all 2025 appointments, it is $190 for the hour.
This amount can be paid through Venmo, Zelle, cash, or check.
Here are the payment details:
Venmo: @saintsintraining
Zelle: Jacqueline’s number (ask Ruby for that)
Check: Kindly make it out to Saints in Training. You may send it to our office address, which is: 2210 Encinitas Blvd, Suite #S, Encinitas, CA 92024
If you need to reschedule your upcoming appointment in advance, kindly reference your Calendly confirmation email and select the “Reschedule” button at the bottom. Calendly will ask you to follow the same steps you completed in order to schedule your original appointment. Your original appointment will be cancelled, and we will both receive confirmation of your new appointment.
*If we are currently full for all appointments, rescheduling is not available.*
Kindly keep in mind that you must cancel a minimum of 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time. This time will allow us to find another client from the waiting list to replace your original appointment. If you do not give this minimum of 48 hours notice, then you will be responsible for paying the $190 for your appointment since Jacqueline works by the hour. We know that emergencies and illnesses do happen, so of course there will be exceptions to this policy within reason.
We are not accepting any gifting or switching of appointments. We are replacing all appointments you are unable to make with those who have been patiently waiting on our waitlist. Thank you for your understanding!
We kindly ask that if you are cancelling an upcoming appointment, please go through Ruby and not Calendly. Once you let her know, she will take care of cancelling your appointment for you through our Calendly system. This ensures that Ruby is then able to give that opening to the clients on our waiting list.
Thank you very much and we appreciate your patience with our busy schedule!
Appointment format makes no difference to Jacqueline, it is completely up to your personal preference. Jacqueline has many clients who she has never met in-person, as well as who she has never had virtual conversations with. Whatever works best for you, works best for us!
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