Word of the Month, November 2018: TRANSFORMATION

The Word of the Month for November, 2018 is the word Transformation. The saboteur of Transformation is Stagnation. Light and Dark. Life and Death. Transformation relies on elements of all of them. But how do we know when when transformation is at hand? What does it take to overcome stagnation? That’s the subject of our video […]

Untold Stories (About Women)

The Untold Stories There will always be more untold stories of heartbreak than can be told, but this does not diminish the raw, experience of each and every story.  When we hear stories about sexual violence, we tend to want to gloss over the individual’s story and instead, focus on the facts, the statistics, the […]

SiT Word of the Month for October, 2018: INDEPENDENCE

The SiT Word of the Month is INDEPENDENCE. The Saboteur of INDEPENDENCE is LONELINESS. Spending time by yourself can lead to an expansive feeling of independence, or it can lead to feelings of loneliness. How do we practice being Independent? What is the antidote to feeling withdrawn? That’s the subject of our video this month!

SiT Word of the Month Video Sept. 2018: PRACTICE

The word Practice is a virtuous quality. When we make the effort to practice virtuous qualities, we become what we practice. We become what we spend the most time thinking about. The Saboteur of Practice is Magical Thinking. Where does Practice end and Magical Thinking begin? That’s the subject of this month’s short video.