Creativity: the Word of the Month Video for August.

The word of the Month for August is Creativity and the saboteur is Conformity. Creativity and intuition are very closely related words. Listening inside ourselves, and learning to trust our own ideas, is a very natural process. Conformity bypasses listening to ourselves in favor of whatever ideas might seem normal. In order to move forward, […]

Word of the Month Video for July, 2019: ACCEPTANCE.

The Word of the Month for July is Acceptance, and the saboteur is the word Denial. We often think of acceptance as a form of tolerance, but it is much deeper than that. Join us in the garden once again for a few words about acceptance.

Word of the Month for June, 2019: EMPATHY

The Word of the Month for June is Empathy. The saboteur of empathy is the word apathy. We know that empathy allows us to feel what another person is feeling and understand their perspective. Why is it important to feel other people’s pain, instead of succumbing to apathy? That’s the subject of the video for […]

First-Sunday Sit-Cast for February 2019

This is the Second installment of the Saints in Training “First-Sunday Sit-Cast,” recorded in Oceanside, Ca. on Feb. 3rd, 2019. The word for January was inspiration. The saboteur of inspiration was vanity. We are inspired by beauty; in a moment, in a face, a song, or a look. Vanity tends to sour our ability to perceive inherent […]