First Sunday SiT-Cast for March 2019
This is the third installment of our monthly First Sunday SiT-Cast. We recorded this class on Sunday, March 3rd in Oceanside, Ca.
First-Sunday Sit-Cast for February 2019
This is the Second installment of the Saints in Training “First-Sunday Sit-Cast,” recorded in Oceanside, Ca. on Feb. 3rd, 2019. The word for January was inspiration. The saboteur of inspiration was vanity. We are inspired by beauty; in a moment, in a face, a song, or a look. Vanity tends to sour our ability to perceive inherent […]
First Sunday Sit-Cast, January 2019
Welcome to our SIT cast! We have a gathering on the first Sunday of each month in a beautiful outdoor setting in Oceanside and you are invited to be with us. We have decided to record these gatherings this year and call it our SIT-cast. We begin the SIT-Cast by talking about the previous month’s […]
Audio Update! Thursday Class for August 13th, 2015
The title of this class is “Are you living sacredly or does that scare you?” The audio files are now downloadable, in case you prefer to listen on the go! Your feedback is encouraged and appreciated.