Virtue is Perseverance

Saboteur is Resistance


Perseverance is the agent of change for magic.


Perseverance is an agent of change. It is the heart and soul of magic. When we begin a new way of thinking it takes perseverance not to go back to the old path and arrive at the same destination. It takes purposeful intentions and a lot of practice to create new habits of change. The mind will resist change with the strength of an elephant. It will want to take the old path. Perseverance is the new mahout. Perseverance and steady intention will guide us though the overgrown jungle of false starts and feelings of hopelessness.

The Yogi’s teach us that we don’t get a new mind when we reincarnate. Yes, we get a new brain, but not a new mind. The mind is a continual stream of consciousness. This may require some pondering. The mind and the brain are not the same thing. In this way of looking at things the brain is the computer and the mind is the operator of the computer. So, following this line of reasoning, all of our past thoughts and actions must move with us through time. This implies we have habits of thinking that are older than our current bodies. We may exhibit certain compulsions or talents whose origins seem inexplicable. These behaviors are referred to as sanskaras, or latent tendencies that are carried forth from lifetime to lifetime. We’re not doomed to repeat these experiences, but without awareness and perseverance we may continue to repeat negative habits. Perseverance also helps us to improve the positive habits and talents that we have brought with us from our past lives.

We get used to certain pathways of thinking. We’re like elephants, we never truly forget. We know a broken heart is never truly forgotten either. It becomes part of who we are. Broken hearts are absorbed into our being and color our perspectives. A broken heart can leave us bitter or more compassionate, quicker to anger or more graciously understanding. This tempering process determines our future tendencies.

We’ve all heard the saying, the more we resist something, the more it persists. We seem to resist change because the old paths took us to watering holes that used to quench our thirst, but not anymore. These memories are clear in our minds because they have been well traversed. But the paths now lead us to ancient watering holes that have dried up. We have to put effort into clearing the new paths and persevering on them without knowing exactly where the new watering holes are. This requires faith in our self and perhaps some trial and error. Perseverance gives us the courage we need to fulfill our new intentions.

The habit of introspection gives us the awareness we need to change our thoughts and live more intentional lives. It takes us to the new watering holes. Where there was once drought, now there is a landscape filled with numerous unexplored watering holes. This is the result of loving perseverance. This is real magic!

Peace be with you, Namaste

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